Sunday, August 16, 2009

Dynamic Duo

So there are these two boys in Massachusetts that I love. like, they are the bee's knees. of course, this COULD have something to do with how much I adore their mom.... but even on their own, these boys are pretty awesome.

so NATURALLY, when my friend Susie said the boys were going to have a joint birthday celebration with a batman theme.... I couldn't resist. I mean, if *I* couldn't be there, at least my cookies could.. right?

Each boy got their own personalized centerpiece cookie with a birthday message. Since Liam's older, I decided he should get Batman, and his little brother sidekick could rock the Bat-signal. (wasn't about to attempt Robin)

In addition to the centerpiece cookie, I made a couple of dozen bat signal cookies to put in favor bags.

And after creating my own batman cookie cutter....a couple dozen Batman-heads....

When all was said and done, each guest got a favor bag with a Batman and Bat signal cookie, tied with a nice ribbon and personalized tag. I even made a few cookies that were dairy and egg free for one of their friends.

Here's to MY favorite Dynamic Duo, Liam and Seamus! Happy birthday, Boys!

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